Por Galicia Confidencial | Chicago | 10/10/2017 | Actualizada ás 12:00
“Teño o pracer de enviarlle algunha información sobre o ilegal e ilexítimo proceso de secesión instigado en Cataluña polo goberno autonómico da rexión”. Así comeza unha misiva enviada, en inglés, polo cónsul do Goberno de España en Chicago, Federico Palomera, aos residentes galegos e españois que viven nesa cidade e noutras cidades do norte dos Estados Unidos.
Unha dura misiva contra o Goberno catalán ao que acusa de “propaganda, descualificacións e mentiras” e suliña que a súa actitude terá “desastrosas” consecuencias. Así, acusa á Generalitat de “violar” a Constitución de 1978 e de usar á TV3, a televisión pública catalá, como unha televisión “propagandística dos independentistas”.
GC comprobou que tamén residentes galegos en Europa recibiron cartas semellantes a estas por parte de representantes do Goberno español.
Esta é a misiva do cónsul español en Chicago:
Dear friend,
I have the pleasure to send you herewith some information regarding the illegal and illegitimate secession process instigated in Catalonia by the Autonomous Region Government. Basing their propaganda on falsehoods, disqualifications and outright lies, the Generalitat has induced many fellow citizens to travel down a road marked by hatred and despise for everything Spanish, reviving a form of extreme nationalism whose disastrous consequences in the past are well known. Not only have they made demonstrably false assertions, but they have also violated the letter and the spirit of the Spanish Democratic Constitution of 1978 and the very Statute of Autonomy from which they derive their authority, pretending to approve a Unilateral Declaration of Independence, i.e, secession, with a simple majority when even the appointment of a Director for TV3, the autonomous television station and propaganda arm of the” independentists” requires a qualified, 2/3 majority according to the Catalan Statute of Autonomy. These actions threaten the rights and interests of all the citizens of Spain, on whom, according to article 2 of the Constitution (a Constitution approved in a referendum with an overwhelming majority in Catalonia) rests the national sovereignty.
I would greatly appreciate if you could review these materials and the information contained in them
Should you have any doubt, I will be very glad to answer them.
Secessionism in Catalonia
Ø Spain is facing a very serious crisis created by the Catalan officials that have hijacked the institutions and violated many laws with the goal of proclaiming independence and breaking up Spain.
Ø These politicians are the only ones responsible for fooling the population into a chaotic, sham vote and for inciting them to break the peace.
Ø The Spanish Government has reacted calmly and firmly. The Catalan Superior Court of Justice ordered law enforcement agents (local and national) not to allow public buildings to be used as polling places and to confiscate any effects related to the illegal referendum. Law enforcement agents acted proportionately and appropriately to impede that. There has been an onslaught of deliberately false and misleading information and images. Claims of 900 injured during the vote are baseless. As of today, only two people remain in hospital according to the Catalan health authorities.
Ø The Government of Spain is acting with complete transparency in order to counteract the misrepresentation of the facts and the propaganda based on falsehoods andmanipulated images.
Ø In the most antidemocratic way, the secessionists are continuously trying to obstruct justice in the courts of Catalonia.
Ø In spite of the above, democracy prevailed in Catalonia on Sunday, October 1st because the Spanish Constitution and the orders of the Courts were protected. Spaniards (or Americans) are free to disagree with the law but not to disobey it.
Ø There was no referendum on October 1st and any numbers provided by the regional government are completely misleading. It was a farce and a show put on by an irresponsible and undemocratic group of politicians insistent on breaking up Spain.
Ø Discussions with main political parties started right after Sunday October 1st and the President of the Government met with main political leaders the day after – who expressed their support to the Constitution and the rule of law.
Ø The King addressed the nation yesterday stating “the legitimate powers of the State have the responsibility to guarantee constitutional order and the normal functioning of the institutions, the validity of the rule of law, and Catalonia’s self-government, based on the Constitution and their own Statute of Autonomy.” [Full transcript] [Full video]
Thanking you in advance for your attention, I remain,
Federico Palomera
Cónsul General de España
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